Decolonial Thinking For Beginners
Jan 01, 2022
Odumosu text Decolonial thinking for beginners

Still thinking about the fantastic Index Foundation (Sweden) youth conference "Going to a Conference: In Character", organised last year by the Index teen advisory board. Hosted on the gaming platform Twitch, the conference playfully explored youth experiences of visiting contemporary art exhibitions, and questioned who was was included and excluded from these cultural spaces. I offered a provocation inspired by Adrianne Maree Brown's words, that we are in an "Imagination Battle". I spoke about images and distorted representations (especially in Scandinavia), as well as the challenges of contemporary interventions aiming to address inequalities, such as colourless casting. It was a lot of fun.

Following up from this I was asked to republish a short piece I wrote called "Decolonial Thinking for Beginners", by collaborating arts organisation PRAKSIS. The original text was written for "tweenies" (10-12 year olds), but people liked it, so I was asked to share again.

The text is available for download HERE:

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